Tag: Opera Mobile

  • The Official Opera Mobile for Android is coming November 9th!

    The Official Opera Mobile for Android is coming November 9th!

    Opera Mobile & Android fans the time is near for you to have the official Opera Mobile on your Android phone. In fact, it’ll be here in just four short days, November 9th. You may already have the beta version on your phone but most of us have been dying to have the official version…

  • Opera Mobile Featuring Pinch to Zoom

    Opera Mobile Featuring Pinch to Zoom

    Opera is happy to announce they will be releasing a new beta version of Opera Mobile for Android phones within the next month. As of now they confirmed at least one of the new features in Opera Mobile for Android will be the long awaited pinch to zoom support….

  • Opera Mobile 10 Beta 2u

    Opera has updated its popular beta of Opera Mobile 10 to version 2u. The changelog includes: -Support for auto-rotation -Support for right-to-left rendering of web content -Quicker launch, up to 70% faster on some phone models -Nicer shortcut icon for WM 6.5 (requires device reboot after install) -A few stability fixes -Several other minor bug…