Radiation Labels For Cell Phones? Maine Says No, San Francisco Says Yes
While the city of San Francisco endeavors onwards to make it a legal requirement for cell phone makers to include radiation labels on their handsets, various Maine lawmakers have been pushing a similar bill that would require labels on phones and packaging warning users (especially the pregnant women and helpless children) keep the devices away…
Paid an ETF to AT&T/Cingular in the last 12 years? Your check is in the mail (maybe)
What is $18 million divided amongst all the former subscribers of AT&T Wireless/Cingular who paid a flat-rate ETF between January 1, 1998 and November 4, 2009 minus lawyer fee’s? Not a whole lot, but if you happen to fit into that category then you should be getting your portion in the mail (hopefully sometime this…
WTF!?! IBM patents shorthand speak! PPCG BBQ FTW LMAO!
As it seems to reason, all shorthand textual communication is now patented by IBM. At least this is the conclusion I came to after reading the following on TechDirt– theodp writes “The USPTO has granted IBM a patent covering the Resolution of Abbreviated Text in an Electronic Communications System, lawyer-speak for translating “IMHO” to “In…