Microsoft Planning NFC In Windows Phone 7?
Microsoft is rumored to be adding a newly popular feature in Windows Phone 7, and that is Near Field Communication, or NFC. It will supposedly ship on smartphones later this year, which means the software/OS part could be part of the Mango update. Nokia said that it would be implementing NFC on most of its…
Windows Phone 7 to Overtake RIM?
The technology group Ovum is predicting that by 2016 Android will drive the smartphone market growth by double. The predictions see Android owning 38% of the market, Apple owning 17.5 and Blackberry holding 16.5%.
iPad 2 shortages continue, relief 1-2 months away
Apple is facing major supply issues with the new iPad 2, with some customers having to wait 4 to 5 weeks for delivery. Apple has had shortage issues in the past with the second generation iPhone 3G for more than a month and up to 3 weeks on the Iphone 4 according to reports from…
iMovie – Universal app for iPhone 4, iPad2 and iPod Touch 4
Apple recently updated iMovie, which was for the iPhone and iPod originally, to a universal application. Now it will support the iPad2 and also brings new themes and HD sharing directly to YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo and CCN iReport. If you aren’t sure what iMovie is, it’s a movie editing application that is part of the…
Get a keyboard on your iPhone 4 with Boxwave’s Keyboard Buddy case
The latest product found at Boxwave is a Keyboard Buddy case for the iPhone 4. This provides your iPhone with a physical keyboard through a blue-tooth connection, something most users want while others may not be interested. These cases are available now so read more to learn how to get one.
March 2nd – Apple will announce the iPad 2
Tired of your iPad yet? If so, the second one will be announced very soon so maybe you will see new features and updates. If you aren’t tired of yours that’s great, keep it. Apple is holding a special media event on March 2nd, 2011 in San Francisco, according to the Wall Street Journal.
The AT&T CEO is now complaining about application availability
AT&T’s CEO Randall Stephenson recently expressed his frustration with the Apple application store saying he thinks customers should be able to buy an application once and have it work across many different devices.
[DISCUSSION] Do you think Apple will catch back up with Android?
Folks, we all may already know that not long ago Android took the number one spot, beating Apple in marketshare. Keep in mind, Apple isn’t too far behind and together they both hold 50% of total smartphone marketshare.
What’s going on at CES? We can tell you!!
You all may already know that The International CES is the world’s largest consumer technology tradeshow. This year it took place starting January 6th and runs until January 9th. Several websites are there and reporting what they have found to be interesting. We aren’t there this year but have already made plans for next year…
Apple maintains U.S. market share lead through November but Android is closing in fast!!
The race for the lead is on! Numbers are increasing consistently and Nielsen has the results spreading around the web like wildfires. According to November data from The Nielsen Company, the popularity of the Android OS among those who purchased a smartphone in the last six months (40%) makes it the leading OS among recent…
WP7 Data and Voice Usage Summary vs. Apple iPhone!
So the luming question about Windows Phone 7 and the live tiles is: How much data do we need to plan for? Is this going to be a HUGE spike in service costs since everything is live, from cloud data? Or is this going to be about same usage as other phones? Well my fellow…
Iphone + Skyfire = Troubles?!?
So it appears that the internet has blown up about the Skyfire download being pulled off of iTunes in the US. This comes as a huge surprise to us. Skyfire app, unlike for windows mobile and android, is charging it’s users $2.99 in the app store to use their system. This was happening so fast…
HTC had a great year: $3.3B in revenue, DOUBLED 2009 shipments!!!
Looks Like everyone is posting their Q3 reports this week. First it was Microsoft, now HTC is reporting gigantic numbers this morning, including 3.3 BILLION in revenue. This is doubling the amount of phones shipped in 2009 to bring them to about 25 million total phones on the market! Not too bad for company who…
Iphone VS Windows Phone 7 Video
Everyone has seen many videos comparing the Iphone to other devices but there aren’t many that compare it to the new Windows Phone 7 series. We have found an interesting video that does just that!!
Apple, Google, Microsoft, HTC, LG, Moto Sued!
Many of you know of the lawsuits going on between Apple and HTC. Well, now patent holding firm NTP has issued a statement suing major cell companies for infringing on their intellectual rights regarding mobile e-mail: “NTP Incorporated, the company founded by Tom Campana, the inventor of wireless email, yesterday filed lawsuits against Apple, Inc.,…