Netflix For Android Available Soon!
Straight from the Netflix blog, Greg Peters from Netflix product development, recently announced the availability of Netflix on Windows Phone 7 devices as well as the iPhone. While those events were taking place several Android users were feeling left out, including myself. We all wanted to know why we didn’t get it and when we…
Update: How To Manually Install Droid Incredible Updates
Thanks to users at Android Central there is a manual way to install this update if you haven’t received the OTA update. Keep in mind, if you are rooted you will not need to use this method nor do you need the update. Why? Because it will ruin your device!
The Sprint ZTE Peel Officially Announced
Some of you may have already seen this but Sprint recently announced the ZTE Peel for the iPod touch will be arriving on November 14th, 2010. A data plan of $30 is still going to be required for access to the 3G network while using the ZTE Peel. Read on to learn more about the…
LG enV Pro not canceled, just delayed?
What a surprise! Some of us thought the new LG enV Pro that was said to be the first enV running Android was canceled. Apparently that rumor was false according to Engadget and a trusted source of theirs. For those enV lovers, and I know there are tons of users with 3 previous versions made…
Update: Samsung ‘flagship’ phone with Gingerbread – Is it false?
After several websites posted this great news we all got so excited about, there seems to be one site who isn’t so sure this is true. Why? Keep reading to find out. They seem to have some pretty interesting points they have picked out.
Over The Air Update for Evo 4G
Are you a proud owner of the HTC Evo 4G? If so, you should be seeing an OTA update if you haven’t already. This update is said to bring you to version 3.30.651.3 and will fix the bugs reported while using Qik or Tango. According to users of this device that is definitely what’s happening.
The Pocket PC Geeks Podcast for 11/11/10!
THURSDAY! AT the PPCGeeks Podcast page, the PPCGP! Catch us live and enjoy the show at 8pm EDT!
Will Sprint Remove $10 monthly premium for its EVO 4G handsets?
When the HTC Evo first started showing up on the internet, the largest speculation on our site was the mandatory $10 4G fee that would come along with the service. Some of us understood that this meant you were getting access to a much more powerful network and that fee wasn’t a big deal. For…
More feedback from WP7 – This time AT&T speaks out!
PPCGeeks loves hearing any type of feedback, especially for new devices. We recently had a user, Noir, express his opinions which were very detailed, honest and thorough. We had great feedback in the article and on the forums so when we find more we like to share them as well.
DROID 2 Global – Rooted Already!
Although some still haven’t gotten their hands on their pre-ordered Droid 2 Global devices, others have already received it and rooted it. According to users at Droid-life, it seems that the same method used for most of the other Android Devices can be used on this one too.
PPCGeeks Review: Otterbox Impact Case For The HTC EVO 4G
Otterbox has a great reputation for high quality cases for the most popular phones on the market. How does their Impact case for the HTC EVO 4G do in real world usage? Let’s find out…
Android phones sweep Consumer Reports ratings
Did you know that Android is rated the best by Consumer Reports? You now ask how/why. Their scores are based on several different factors. They rated the phones based on display quality, voice quality, ability to navigate the phone, web browsing, battery life, camera, and more. They then came up with an numeric ranking for…
T-Mobile Nexus S On Best Buy’s Site Momentarily
We’ve seen the rumors of the Google Nexus Two, supposedly made by Samsung this time instead of T-Mobile. Earlier this morning, a Google Nexus S appeared on Best Buy’s website saying it would be available this holiday season on T-Mobile. You’ll see a broken image and the pre-order link was dead, but it still made…
Tethering for Windows Phone 7 Possible on Samsung Devices!!!
So all you Windows Mobile fans that just went to Windows Phone, are you missing that tethering you used to do? Well we have good news here at PPCG – if you own a samsung Device…It appears that if type in some codes on the dialer you can use your phone as a modem.
Samsung 7″ Super AMOLED Tablet – “Next Gen” Galaxy Tab
As gTen said, “Yup you heard me right..and it has a 7″ (1024 x 600) Super AMOLED screen!!!!” Isn’t that bad boy nice? Check out the video by Samsung to get a glimpse of not only this one but the Flexible AMOLED 4.3 displays also. But wait, it gets even better! There is a transparent…