[Q&A] PPCGeeks Spotlight – VIN255764
Welcome to the second edition of the PPCGeek Spotlight where we get enlightening perspectives and great insight from well known and well accomplished community members. In this edition, we highlight a very widely known ROM chef in the community, Vin255764. Below I had great pleasure of asking our friend, and community chef the questions. I…
Google’s Android Voice Search application adds ‘personalized recognition’
Spreading across the internet news feeds is the latest update for Google’s Android Voice Search application. The update offers Android users the option of “personalized recognition”, which improves speech recognition accuracy.
PPCG Windows Phone 7 Geekly Review
Hey everybody! Some of you may know me from the site or from being a writer here and some of you may not. Either way, I finally got my HTC Surround in, so here at PPCGeeks I will be doing a weekly app review for Windows Phone 7 Apps. Yep, get ready for PPCG to…
BREAKING NEWS: New Android Market APK Ripped – Get it now!
It’s not the official updated version but it’s close enough, especially if you are getting impatient waiting for the new Android Market update. Found at Android Developers blog you get a full description of what’s to come in this update as far as new things and improvements.
The Pocket PC Geeks Podcast for 12/09/10!
The PPCGP, All the Mobile News You’ll Ever Need! Season 2, Episode 6 for 12/09/2010! See us on both ZUNE Marketplace & iTunes! Also, got a minute? REVIEW the podcast and tell us what you think!
Sprint & T-Mobile to Sell 4G Tablets Next Year!?
According to the Wall Street Journal and their recent research, both Sprint and T-Mobile will have their own 4G, high speed tablets sometime in the next year. No dates were discussed for either carrier’s release dates but with the comments recorded, most seem to think this is not just a rumor.
HTC aiming to roll out 60 million handsets in 2011 – Watch out!!
HTC is pursuing higher growth for 2011 following the appointment of its new COO Matthew Costello and other top-tier executives. What’s their plan of pursuit? Keep reading!
UPDATE: Motorola Droid 2 Exploding Phone – Likely False!!!
During our Podcast last night wideawake, Laos101 and a few others mentioned this event and their beliefs. Most of them agreed that this could possible be a scam. Guess what, shortly after PCMag reported the same thoughts.
Windows Phone 7 Team Growing
Microsoft looks like it wants to make sure it’s Windows Phone 7 is a sure footed competitor in the wireless industry. According to Forbes, Microsoft is looking to add at least 40 members to their WP7 team. Job posting have been popping up over the last month and from the looks of it, Microsoft is…
BlackBerry OS 6 Upgrade could be closer than we think!
The latest Verizon flyer is making its way in the homes of millions nationwide and is making Curve and Bold users very pleased. The flyer boasts some of its features and benefits such as simple setup, new social feeds, better browser, multimedia experience, hundreds of apps, and my personal favorite, universal search. The new OS…
Storm 3 may not be cancelled and could still be released!
We’ve all heard rumors that the Storm3 has been cancelled, but from the looks of it, it seems that the phone is alive. The Blackberry Storm3 has been caught in Best Buy’s Mobile Genie – a system used to transfer contacts from old to new phones. Now this doesn’t prove that the phone is soon…
Sprint announces New Network Vision Plans for 2011
Sprint held a media conference call yesterday at 11:00 am announcing their plans to enhance services such as coverage, quality and speed. Sprint has awarded contracts to Alcatel-Lucent, Ericsson and Samsung to bring Network Vision to life by implementing multimode technologies that will do the enhancing for them.
Microsoft triggers the kill-Switch and remotely re-locks ChevronWP7 unlocked devices OTA
Talk about a fast turn around. In the last weeks of November, we reported of the unlocker being released for Windows Phone 7. Then on December 1st, we reported that the unlocker was pulled. Now, today, it appears that Microsoft has triggered a remote kill-switch that revokes the certificate required to run the ChevronWP7 Unlocker…
Windows Phone 7 Has 15 App Limit For Push Notifications
15 apps seems like a lot when you talk about push notifications, especially considering battery life (although push is better than pull). According to a blog post by Clarity Consulting, Windows Phone 7 limits the number of apps that can be registered for push notifications to 15. If you install a 16th app, you’ll get…
How to cook a Nexus S Gingerbread style!
Now we all know Epic is the coolest device in the universe and if you own an iphone go [Edit by Courtney]…but a new cool device was just announced..you guessed it everyone the one and only Nexus S!!!