Radiation Labels For Cell Phones? Maine Says No, San Francisco Says Yes

While the city of San Francisco endeavors onwards to make it a legal requirement for cell phone makers to include radiation labels on their handsets, various Maine lawmakers have been pushing a similar bill that would require labels on phones and packaging warning users (especially the pregnant women and helpless children) keep the devices away from their head and bodies because of the cancer risk from electromagnetic radiation (not this type of radiation, which is the worst ever release of radiation that has ever occurred).

However, this legislative work is now dead according to PC Magazine. What a waste of a good name of law, as the official name of the bill was enticing as it was to be known as the “Children’s Wireless Protection Act”. Also, remember folks, we may not have to worry about cell phone radiation as the world *may* end in 2012.

Source- DSL Report

Image Credit- SF Weekly