Since the release of Windows Phone 7 several applications have been developed for the platform with average prices ranging from free to around $7.00. As of now there are just over 1,000 applications available and more are being developed daily.
Distino, an analytics firm who provides in-depth, analytical reports for companies interested in the mobile application ecosystem, have done their research and found that prices for Windows Phone 7 applications are much lower than those for Microsoft’s previous mobile operating system, Windows Mobile. They also found that WP7 apps are the cheapest of all the major application stores, with an average price of $1.95.
When it comes to the most popular paid applications, according to Distino, WP7 is right on track with 57% of the 100 most popular applications being below $2.00. In other application stores, this is between 51% and 67%, except for Windows Mobile, where just 37% of the top 100 were priced under $2.00. See the chart below showing a comparison of each operating system and their average paid prices for applications.
When you look at the price distribution of paid applications, it’s easy to see how WP7 differs from the rest. They do have more paid apps just under $2.00 than anyone else, a decent showing in the $2.00-$4.00 range, a few in the $5.00-$9.99 range and none more over $9.99 at all. That’s a great thing and could have been their goal the whole time. Who knows?
Distimo also examined application popularity and found that the “Games” and “Tools” categories have the largest number of apps so far for WP7. “Games” took the spot for the most popular category of all with 40% of applications in WP7. Could you have guessed that one? See the charts below to see how all the categories are doing.
Knowing that WP7 is still fresh out of the oven for most carriers do you think these statistics are legit? Do you think they should wait until more applications are developed? Let us hear your thoughts!
Source: Readwriteweb & Distimo
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