Microsoft Bringing XBox Live To iPhone/iPad/Android?

While Microsoft has had games released on different platforms, so far, the XBox Live experience has really only been on Windows Phone 7 devices. Microsoft now states that it will be bringing “a few” of their XBox Live experiences and titles to the iPhone, iPad, and Android. There’s no word yet on when this might happen, or what experiences or titles that might be.

While the Xbox Live experiences and games always work best on the Windows platform, we understand that some Xbox fans may be using other types of devices. To satisfy that need, we are working to extend a few of our Xbox experiences and titles to other platforms.

They already have My XBox Live which brings some of the experience to the iPhone. Those of you XBox users out there, would this be enough to make you switch to the iPhone or Android instead of a Windows Phone 7?

Source: iMore

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