Sprint Updates Coming For HTC Evo 4G, HTC Design 4G, and Samsung Epic 4G

In the next few days, Sprint will be rolling out some updates for these devices. Most are pretty minimal. The “Security Update” could be to remove the controversial CarrierIQ software. Here’s what’s included in the updates:

HTC Evo 4G
Security Update
Updated Peep client (to align with Twitter)
Battery life improvements

HTC EVO Design 4G
Security Update
Updated Peep and Sprint Zone clients
Battery life improvements
3LM Enterprise Tool Access (no user interface changes)

Samsung Epic 4G
Security update
Speaker feedback fix
The QIK and Asphalt 5 applications are no longer preloaded – when tapping on their icons you will be redirected to the Android market to download them from there.

Source: IntoMobile

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