It looks like the Evo Shift 4G will be receiving the Gingerbread treatment that many have been hoping for. According to some new information from Sprint, you can expect to start seeing the update available on your Evo Shift as of June 17th. Sprint will be sending out software update notifications to Evo Shift owners but you can just keep checking for the software update from the settings menu, when that day arrives.

Having come from a qwerty device previously myself, I can see why some users just may see this as a superior device to its’ keyless cousin. Especially seeing how the Shift already has Sense 2.1. Perhaps HTC will keep this in mind when they hit users with the maintenance release for the original Evo 4G.
There is already a leaked version of this Gingerbread update. It is currently available in a rooted version, for the original HTC Evo 4G and runs quite well on the device.
Aside from the standard Gingerbread goodies and fixes, this update includes Swype as the default keyboard, a download manager, and a fix for some known streaming media issues.
With the Shift getting Sense 2.1, do you think HTC will skip giving the Evo 4G(original) Sense 2.1, in efforts to keep everyone upgrading?
Do you look forward to some Gingerbread sweetness on your Evo Shift 4G?
Are there bugs you hope to see corrected in this release?
Let me know what you think.
source: Android Police