Welcome to another edition of the PPCGeek Spotlight where we get enlightening perspectives and great insight from well known and successful community members and leaders. In this edition we highlight a very well known, respected and talented member of PPCGeeks.com, s2w.
Be sure and check out his themes HERE.
Here is a short bio with s2w followed by a Q&A:
I’ve been involved in the entertainment field for most of my life. I won’t bore you guys or elaborate much on that, but want to establish how I got to modding my phone graphically.
Sketching, storyboards and ads in the past were a part of the influence to embark into enhancing my cell phone to a visual acceptance of how I would like it, so here I am on ppcgeeks sharing some themes.
1 – How much time do you actually spend on making themes/icons/taskbars etc. and once you get a good theme set how hard is it to update?
I usually take about 10 – 20 hours in making icons from scratch and then from that point on it’s easy to incorporate it all into a theme, while updating a theme is a snap since all the icons and/or xml mods are set.
I guess in my case, it also attributes to being involved in a graphic intense field. So it also depends whether I’m on a project or away traveling. Work can be demanding at times. Also my significant other, (my sweetie), can be more challenging.
2 – Do you work with other people on making your themes or do you do everything yourself?
So far I have been doing all this on my own. But thanks to several users here on PPCGEEKS, I have been seeing some remixes which by the way, I do encourage and have been flattered that they are considered. Must admit they look awesome, so check them out.
3 – Do you have to know much development/cooking or is it all basically graphic work and photoshopping?
You need some knowledge in that area in order to know how to break the files down so you can capture the image files needed to make the theme and cab them up so it’s easy for the user to install without problems. It really depends on your dedication and/or ability to search the forum for aid.
4 – What do you think of Android as an OS and have you considered getting into it and making some Sense themes or other launcher themes?
I have always developed themes intended for Windows Mobile/HTC sense and as of lately, I have dedicated some time to creating stuff for a specific android tablet and progressing quite well. As matter of fact, there are some already implemented on a rom.
5 – Have you tried to do multi-resolutions for your themes and how hard is it to support them?
Not hard at all, as long as you have the device on hand/or the appropriate files to setup a correct image for the particular resolution.
6 – How many themes do you think you’ve made and how much total time would you say you’ve put into them?
WOW! I have dedicated way too much time, enough to where my girlfriend goes “Hmmm…” each time I log onto my computer. Overall, I have themes I haven’t even posted. Not because they didn’t look good on a device, but sometimes I want to keep stuff for myself j/k. To be honest, not sure why? Guess sometimes I’m too critical of my work.
7 – Do you have a personal favorite theme of yours that you use on your phone or do you change it up all the time?
I change it up all time. I wouldn’t post a theme that I myself would not use. Currently, the SimWorks/Simpliciti is the current theme on my device.
8 – How would I or anyone else go about learning how to make awesome themes for our devices?
I say trial and error. Don’t be hard on yourself at first, we all make mistakes or think our designs are unique, but once you get the knack of how it works and how to use a photo shop program, I use CS4, then at that point, be very critical on your work. You’ll realize that with every attempt at making a theme, you’ll get better and you’ll understand the process even more. Templates become a natural progression to a smooth transition. In the end, making it easier to develop your creative work. You can also start with a theme already made to get a feel for which icons you need to work on.
9 – What do you think about WP7’s lack of any sort of theming other than the preset tile and menu color changes? Do you like Metro UI?
As of yet, I don’t own a WP7 device. So presently it’s hard for me to describe a real comment. I’m currently hooked on Android but by no means does it indicate that I have abandoned windows mobile/sense or the possibility of WP7. I like creating and I don’t discard any opportunity.
Going back a bit and as an example, I made themes for sense when I didn’t even have sense on my device just WM 6.1. Maybe someone will remember.
10 – Any other information you can provide to enlighten us on the awesome world of themes?
My advice to anyone interested in creating themes is to try it. You’ll need a good photo shop program. Learn it first by becoming acquainted with the tools. They are there to make it easier for you. So give yourself the opportunity to dedicate some time.
Speaking of time… trust me, it will engulf every second you spare on it. So before you start, be kind to and/or share some moments with your significant other (hence my girlfriend who has been very supportive and proud.)
Hope I have giving some insight…
Well folks, there you have it. Our latest short Bio and Q&A with s2w. I hope you have enjoyed reading another version of the PPCGeeks spotlight. I know I certainly have! Thank you s2w for giving us this interview, and to the fellow geeks around here on PPCGeeks, remember to check out his work here on the site.