Chevron WP7 Unlocker Pulled — WHAT?!?!?

HOLY COW! After ChevronWP7 Unlocker released, and the ability to homebrew apps for Windows Phone 7, it was pulled!!! Amazingly enough Microsoft is behind it.  ChevronWP7 is discontinuing the application immediately after engaging in discussions with Microsoft about offically facilitating homebrew development on the platform.  With this said – we might need to get ready for a huge battle. On one side is going to be Microsoft and the other – well thats us, Devs, Chefs, and Geek users all over the world. Who will win?!

Just after releasing the application to allow you to set custom ringtones on your newly unlocked WP7 devices, the team has establish communication with Brandon Watson, Director of Developer Experience for Windows Phone 7. In which he agreed to engage in further discussions. No more details have been given but what is clear as mud is that there is a battle raging between the biggest Titans ever;  Microsoft and Developers who are trying to unleash the fill potential of this new platform! With forces collaborating not only product, but the whole idea of it all we should see a great deal of gain for the entire community, developers, users, and even Microsoft!

What are your thoughts on this?!?  Is it OK for Microsoft to step in and shut down this amazing tool?  Or do you think that Microsoft has a right to tell us how to use the devices?  It seems to me that Microsoft is learning their tactics from Apple; and which seems to try to keep people from “breaking free of the hold of big brother”.  Stay tuned here to PPCGeeks to get the latest news on this, as for me I am very interested in seeing where this is all going to end up.  Remember Microsoft said they would develop for the users that are going to use their devices, so lets see how fast Microsoft is willing to change their game plans, and roll them updates out!

Source: via

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