A self-proclaimed mad scientist named KERKEDAGAIN from XDA is the one responsible for porting the myTouch ROM onto the Evo. He also gives mad props to IncredibleDoes for providing the base for this ROM. He can be found over at XDA, so if you have any questions or comments regarding his work, you may find him by clicking here. See the video below.
So far users seem to be supportive of this ROM port. There are a few bugs that are being worked out but the ROM is manageable, unless you are very dependent on your day to day uses. If so, you may want to wait until it’s more stable. KERKEDAGAIN from XDA says he is still running a few last tests and will be uploading soon pending its success. Battery life is getting mixed reviews. See below what the responsible party has to say about the current version.
What works:
-BT (turns on, can’t test the quality)
-FM Radio
Doesn’t work:
If you have the EVO why not try it out and let us know what you think? We would love to know how this works out for you!
Source: AndroidCentral & XDA