ComScore, a leader in measuring the digital world, has released their latest study yesterday, which shows common trends in the US Wireless Market for the first three months of this year. According to the study, Verizon holds the most market share at 31.1%, while At&t is second with 25.2% and Sprint and T-Mobile both had around 12% each. For device manufacturers, Motorola and Samsung took the top spot with 21.9% each, then LG with 21.8, and finally RIM and Nokia with 8.3%.
They also did a study to compare how people use their phones. While actually talking on the phone wasn’t measured, the other results seemed pretty standard. 63.7% of users use SMS/MMS, 30.1% surf the web, 28.6% downloaded apps, 21.8% played games, 18.7% accessed blogs and social networking sites, and 13.2% of users used their phones to listen to music.
How do you think this compares to the latest satisfaction surveys by ChangeWave that we reported on yesterday? At&t is clearly in 2nd place for market share, and yet, according to the ChangeWave study, they have some of the most dissatisfied customers and the highest dropped call rates. Some of these results seemed to be skewed a little, as we talked about on the Podcast last night. I’ve been an At&t user for almost 2 years now, and I previously had Sprint. My customer satisfaction has been about equal for both companies and my dropped call rates have been about the same. What’s been your experience?
Source: ComScore via DSLReports