Opera has released a public beta of its Opera Mobile 10 browser. So far reviews seem to be pretty good, with people saying its rendering almost as fast as Opera Mini, and the fact that it has some nice, improved zooming features.
Since its still a beta, there are bound to be some bugs. Here’s the list of improvements from Opera:
Intuitive new interface Opera has thrown out the clutter and is keeping it simple in terms of aesthetics. Less is more when it comes to mobile browsing.
Speed Dial Speed Dial serves as your personal table of contents for the Web. Your favorite sites welcome you upon launching Opera, and in one click, you are there.
Tabbed browsing Open new links in multiple tabs to bounce between sites easily.
Password manager Save those annoying passwords with Opera’s password manager, or if you are feeling vulnerable, simply and swiftly delete all.
Touchscreen navigation Opera Mobile 10 beta is optimized for touchscreen navigation. With a touchscreen phone, you can enjoy even easier navigation with our new adaptive zoom feature, kinetic scrolling, and visual tab thumbnails.
Save images Select and save your friends’ Facebook pictures to your phone for offline viewing later.
Opera Turbo Offload your page rendering to one of Opera’s servers, and reduce your data costs.
Advanced compatibility Since Opera Mobile 10 beta is based on Opera’s browser for desktop computers, it maintains advanced Web-site compatibility and ensures that nearly any site is accessible from a mobile phone.
Smooth surfing Pan, zoom and smoothly scroll your way through the Web.
It is free! Opera Mobile 10 beta for Windows Mobile is available as a free download at www.opera.com/mobile/ or m.opera.com/mobile/ (for phone download).
Source: FuzeMobility & PocketNow Video Demo