Windows 7 and Intel P55 chipset= No iPhone Sync

Are you running Windows 7 on an Intel P55 chipset? Are you also an iPhone user? Are you having a problem with syncing with iTunes? If so, you are not alone. A thread from Apple’s Discussion Board has highlighted a problem where iTunes 9 for Windows will recognize the users iPhone, but when a sync is attempted, the user is show an error of “0xE8000065”. This error is given when there is an iPhone-connection failure.

All of these posts have one commonality, besides using iTunes on Windows- The Intel P55 chipset.

The Register has reported that some

Users have experienced the identical problem when using a PC’s motherboard-based USB port or a powered USB hub, though some have had success using a PCI-based USB card – which, of course, bypasses the P55’s on-board USB controller. Others haven’t been so lucky: They’re been BSODded when attempting to use a PCI USB card.

Some users have had success with fixes including deleting the iPodDevices.xml file from C:\Users username\AppData\Local\Apple Computer\iTunes, by disabling Bonjour, or by digging into the BIOS to turn on C-state capability.

Also, a Microsoft Spokesperson has told the Register that-

“Microsoft has not seen this particular question posed in the Microsoft Answers for Windows 7 community forum, nor in any of our call centers. We reviewed the issue raised on the Apple Discussion Board and are currently investigating. If we determine this to be a problem specific to Windows 7, we will post an update on the Microsoft Answers site.”

So are you in sync with your iPhone?

Source- TheRegister via DSLReports


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